ACC 600mg Hot Drink

ACC Hot 600mg / 3g

Generic name:  acetylcysteine

Acetylcysteine is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. Acetylcysteine has a phlegm-loosening effect on the bronchial region. The ACC tablets for oral solution is used for loosening phlegm.


Adults and adolescents from 14 years of age use 1 sachet a day. Under the age of 14 years , the drug is not given in terms of the amount of active substance in the bag. If you do not feel better within 5 days or you get sick, you should consult a doctor.

Indications for use

  • Acute and chronic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis;
  • Trachea, laryngotracheitis
  • Pneumonia, pulmonary abscess;
  • Bronchoecstatic disease
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis;


  • Increased sensitivity to acetylcysteine or other ingredients;
    stomach ulcer and
  • The duodenum in the course of worsening;
  • Hemorrhaging, pulmonary bleeding;
  • Sugar deficiency/isomaltase, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactic insufficiency;
  • Pregnancy
  • Period of breastfeeding;
  • Under 2 years of age (for this form of medicine).




